The Embodied Life™ Programs

The Embodied Life™ Mentorship Program (ELMP)

Imagine a group of people committed to a path of integral awareness, consciousness evolution and self-transformation working individually and collectively for three years.

Further, imagine that all participants will grow their capacity for: resting deeply in the present moment with self-observation, a rich bodily sense, intimacy with their feelings, deep listening, and skills to communicate respectfully and authentically.

Our great interest comes from the following intuition: at this moment in history, consciousness is 'asking' human beings to ripen individually as 'whole beings' (bodily, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and in relationship), while moving toward both individual and collective transformation. After years of observing individuals and communities develop strongly in one or two of these realms yet ignore the others, we are fascinated by the experiment of simultaneously developing these capacities as a community of learners. Said another way, we are being asked to move from fear to love as the dominant operating principle.

This program is for people who want to commit to a path of awakening and living using these methodologies. This commitment is essential, as the program requires dedication to certain practices and studies. In addition to cultivating these practices for personal fulfillment, some people will join the program with the intention of using these skills professionally. Those who already work with people- Feldenkrais teachers, therapists, ministers, life coaches, etc.-will use the training to enhance their effectiveness. Further, some people are interested in learning a new way of working with people and will become Embodied Life Guides.

Click on either link to locate an Embodied Life Graduate (and practicing Embodied Life Teacher) in the US or Europe and non US.

To learn more about the Requirements and Costs of the ELMP or if you are ready to complete the ELMP Application Form click here.


The core of the program consists of two intensive, residential, weeklong segments per year, for three years. Each day will include a variety of practices including: Embodied Meditation, movement experiments based in the teachings of Moshe Feldenkrais, dialogues, and interactive practices; the curriculum is organized developmentally- emphasizing different capacities in each segment. Each week includes approximately 50 hours of class/practice time or 300 hours for the program. It is possible to receive documentation of hours for students seeking CEU's. There are 10 CEU's per year based on classroom hours. The entire program is audio recorded and students receive a computer download, for private use only, usually within two weeks of the end of each session.

An ELMP internet board is in place for program communications. Each program has a separate forum as well as a global community forum for all current and graduate US and European Embodied Life students. These forums offer connection, inspiration and valuable information regarding relevant research, recommended reading, supplemental classes and writings from Russell.

The mentor relationship with Russell and Linda will vary depending on the intentions, needs and learning style of the student. All students may have one optional meeting with Russell and Linda each year and will be invited to communicate between segments, usually through email. Those with the intention of becoming Embodied Life Guides can expect some additional study.

Study Groups

(Learning Communities)

As is already happening in some cities, our intention is for study groups to form throughout the world where people interested in exploring this integrated approach will meet together in mutual support. The majority of these people will not be part of the ELMP but will be individuals who have attended seminars with the Delmans or simply have an interest in deepening their capacity for awareness and presence through these methodologies. People in the ELMP will become the guides for these local groups.



NEW ELMP: Six meetings over three years. Oct./April 2024 - 2027, starting in October 2024. Each October will meet at Jonathan-seminarhotel which is 45 minutes from Salzburg and about 90 minutes from Munich. Each April will meet at Johanneshof Zen Center in the Black Forest.

Applications are now being accepted.

Week 1: Oct 1- Oct 6, 2024 (JON)

Week 2: April 25-30, 2025 (JOHO)

Week 3: Sept 27-Oct 2, 2025 (JON)

Week 4: April 17-22, 2026 (JOHO)

Week 5: Oct 1-6, 2026 (JON)

Week 6: April 9-14, 2027 (JOHO)

To find out more about the location of JONATHAN SEMINAR HOTEL click here

To find out more about the location of JOHANNESHOF ZEN CENTER click here


ELMP ZIST 5     *This program is now closed for applicants

The dates for ZIST 5 are:

Week 1: July 7-13, 2022
Week 2: January 27-February 2, 2023
Week 3: July 6-12, 2023
Week 4: February 8-14, 2024
Week 5: July 5-11, 2024
Week 6: February 6-12, 2025

To find out more about the location of ZIST click here

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© Russell and Linda Delman . 246 Brick Hill Road, Orleans, MA 02653 . 707-827-3536